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Laboratory Facilities
Laboratory Facilities
List of Laboratories in the Department of Geological Engineering
Biogeochemistry Lab.
 Rock Crushing and Grinding Lab.
Geomicrobiology and Biogeochemistry Lab.
 Geochemistry Lab.
EMCOL Sedimentology and Geochemistry Lab.
 Index Properties Lab.
 Gemology Lab.
 Engineering Geology Lab.
Hydrogeology Lab.
 Mineralogy and Petrography Lab.-I and II
 Petrography Research Lab.
 Paleontology Lab.
Optical Mineralogy Lab.
Physical Geology Lab.
 Thin Section and Polishing Lab.
 Sample Preparation Lab.
X-Ray Diffraction and Fluorescence Lab.
 Geochemical Instrumental Lab.
 Ore Microscopy and Fluid Inclusion Lab.
 Rock Mechanics Lab.
 EMCOL Core Analysis Lab.

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Thin Section and Polishing Lab
Sample Preparation Laboratory
X-Ray Lab
Hydrogeolology Lab
Core Sampling and Rock Cutting Laboratory
Rock Mechanics Laboratory
Engineering Geology Laboratory
Index Properties Laboratory
Optical Mineralogy Lab
Ore Microscopy and Fluid Inclusion Laboratory
Paleontology Lab
Rock Crushing & Grinding Laboratory
Biogeochemistry Laboratory
Geomicrobiology and Biogeochemistry Laboratory
Geochemical Instrumental Laboratory
Geochemistry Lab
EMCOL Sedimentology and Geochemistry Laboratory
EMCOL Core Analysis Laboratory
EMCOL Core Storage Room