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Dr. Emin Çiftçi, Prof. (Chair)
Ore deposits, Geochemistry, Ore microscopy, Hydrothermal systems, Characterization of natural raw materials                 
Tel: +902122856109 Office: A306 
B.Sc. Karadeniz Technical University, Geol. Eng., 1991 

M.Sc. Kardeniz Technical University, Geol. Eng., 1993;

M.Sc. University of Missouri - Rolla, Geology & Geophysics, 1996               
M.Sc. University of Missouri - Rolla, Ceramics Eng., 2000           

Ph.D. University of Missouri - Rolla, Geology & Geophysics., 2000



Dr. H. Serdar Akyüz, Prof.  
Active Tectonics, Paleoseismology, Archaeoseismology, Structural Geology, Geology of the Istanbul Zone             
Tel: +902122856156 Office: E503
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1983
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1987
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1995

Dr. Şafak Altunkaynak, Prof.  
Spatial and temporal evolution of continental magmatism and extension in the Agean ragion, Plutonism vs volcanism in NW Anatolia, Petrology of the Neogene magmatic rocks of W Anatolia              
Tel: +902122856272 Office: A300A
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. University of Istanbul, Geology, 1988
M.Sc. University of Istanbul, Geology, 1990
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1997

Dr. Nurgül Çelik Balcı, Prof. 
Biogeochemistry/Biomineralization in terrestial environments (in acid mine drainage systems, hyper saline environments), Biogeochemical processes in climate change, Application of stable isotopes (S, O, Fe, C) into biogeochemical environments                  
Tel: +902122856118 Office: C405 
e-mail: url2:

B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1994 
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1998 
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University - Colorado School of Mines, Geology, 2005  

Dr. Murat Budakoğlu, Prof.  
Biogeochemistry, Hyper-alkaline lakes, Organic geochemistry, Asidic mine drainages, Stable isotope fractionation in low and intermediate temperature environments

Tel: +902122856307 Office: C409 
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering, 1990 
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering, 1994 
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical Engineering, Geological Engineering, 2000 

Dr. Ziyadin Çakır, Prof. 
SAR Interferometry, Modeling crustal deformation, Coulomb stress modeling, Structural geology, Active tectonics and paleoseismology              
Tel: +902122856320 Office: 
e-mail: url2:
B.Sc. Ankara University, Geology, 1991 
M.Sc. Bristol University, Geology, 1996 
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University & Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris, Geology, 2003


Dr.Kürşad Kadir Eriş, Prof.
Sedimentology, Marine Geology                   

Tel: +902122856301 Office:  
B.Sc. Fırat University, Geology, 1996 
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 2001 
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 2007 

Dr. Fahri Esenli, Prof.  
Mineralogy-Petrography, Crystallography, Clay Mineralogy, Industrial minerals          
Tel: +902122856160 Office: A34
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering, 1981
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1986
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technolog, 1992

Dr. Ş. Can Genç, Prof.  
Magmatic petrography and petrology, Volcanology      
Tel: +902122856366 Office: E512

e-mail:, url: url2:

B.Sc. University of Istanbul, Geology, 1981
M.Sc. University of Istanbul, Geology, 1987
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1993
Dr. A. Haydar Gültekin, Prof.  
Ore deposits and geochemistry, Application of geochemical methods, Tecture of Mineral deposits              
Tel: +902122856119 Office:
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. Hacettepe University, Mining, 1982
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1985
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1990

Dr. Sedat İnan, Prof.  
Petroleum, Natural Gas and Coal Geology and Geochemistry, Basin and Petroleum System Modeling, Unconventional HC Resource Assessment
Tel: +902122856253 Office: E508A
BSc İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Jeoloji Müh., 1986
MSc University of New Orleans, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, USA, 1989
PhD The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) Department of Geosciences, USA, 1993


Dr. Remzi Karagüzel, Prof.                
Engineering Geology, Site and environmental geology, Hydrogeology             
Tel: +902122856155 Office: E417
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1979
M.Sc. Rheinisch Westfalische Technische Hochschule, Aachen, 1984
Ph.D. Reinisch Westfalische Technische Hochschule, Aachen, 1989        
Dr. Zekiye Karacık, Prof.  
Magmatic petrology, Felsic volcanism, Physical volcanology            
Tel: +902122856274 Office: C401
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. University of Istanbul, Geology, 1985
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1988
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1995

Dr. Mehmet Keskin, .Prof.                 
Igneous petrology, geochemistry, geodynamics, collision related volcanism of East Anatolia
Tel: +902122856308 Office: G419
e-mail: url:               
BSc İstanbul Universitesi, Jeoloji, 1984 
MSc İstanbul Üniversitesi, Jeoloji, 1984 
PhD Durham University, Department of Earth Sciences, Geology, 1995
Dr.Sezai Kırıkoğlu, Prof.
Ore deposits, Industrial minerals, Gemstones, Geochemistry      
Tel: +902122856249 Office: C403
B.Sc. Hacettepe University, Geology, 
M.Sc. Hacettepe University, Geology, 1978
Ph.D. Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria, Geology, 1983     

Dr. Boris Natalin, Prof.  
Structural Geology, Tectonics, Geodynamics 
Tel: +902122856221 Office: E502
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. and M.Sc. Leningrad State University, USSR, Geological Faculty, 1972
Ph.D. Department of Far East Branch of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1981

Dr. Aral I. Okay, Prof.  
Metamorphic petrology and regional tectonics, Tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean region, Petrology of high and ultra-high pressure rocks             
Tel: +902122856208 Office: D204
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. University College of London, Geology, 1976
Ph.D. University of Cambridge, Geology, 1980
Dr. Nilgün Okay, Prof.  
Marine geology/geophysics, heat flow, Provenance studies, Disaster management, Women studies                         
Tel: +902122856143 Office: D216
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geophysical Engineering, 1981
M.Sc. Brooklyn College of CUNY, Geology, 1990
M. Phil. New York City Univ., Earth and Env. Sci., 1993 
Ph.D. CUNY, Earth and Env. Sci., 1995                        

Dr. Yüksel Örgün, Prof.  
Metalic ore deposits, Geochemistry, Hydrogeochemistry, Enviromental geochemistry   
Tel: +902122856153 Office: A300B
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering, 1983
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1987
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1993
Dr. Ercan Özcan, Prof.  
Paleontology, Biometry and evolution, Stratigraphy 
Tel: +902122856148 Office:
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. Middle East Technical University, Geological Engineering, 1984
M.Sc. Middle East Technical University, Geological Engineering, 1986
Ph.D. Middle East Technical University, Geological Engineering, 1994
Dr. Fikret Suner, Prof.  
Geochemistry of sedimentary ore deposits, Evaporites 
Tel: +9021228566367 Office: E315
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Mining Engineering, 1981
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering, 1984
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering, 1988

Dr. Dr. hc A. M. Celal Şengör, Prof.  
Structural Geology, Tectonics, Stratigraphy 
Tel: +902122856209 Office:
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. State University of New York at Albany, Geology, 1978
M.Sc. State University of New York at Albany, Geology, 1979
Ph.D. State University of New York at Albany, Geology, 1982

Dr. Fuat Yavuz, Prof.  
Industrial raw materials, Geochemistry, Mineral chemistry                   
Tel: +902122856205 Office: C108
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. Hacettepe University, Mining, 1983
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1987
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1993
Dr. Cenk Yaltırak, Prof.              
Structural Geology, Marine geology and geophysics, Regional tectonics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Field geology 

Tel: +902122856298 Office: C408
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. Istanbul Technnical University, Geological Engineering, 1992
M.Sc. University of Istanbul, Marine Science and Management Institute, 1996
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Eurasian Institute of Earth Sciences, 2003

Dr. Mustafa Kumral, Assoc.Prof.  
Volcanic rocks and their genesis, Genesis of sedimentary and hydrothermal ore deposits, Massive sulfur deposits and gold occurrences, Industrial raw minerals, Environmental research      
Tel: +902122856307 Office: B311 
B.Sc. Mediterranean University, Geological Engineering, 1989 
M.Sc. Mediterranean University, Geological Engineering, 1992 
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering, 2000 

Dr. Yılmaz Mahmutoğlu, Assoc.Prof.

Geomechanics, Engineering geology                  
Tel: +902122856256 Office: C411
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering, 1985
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1988
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical Univeristy, Institute of Science and Technology, 1995

Dr. Şenel Özdamar, Assoc.Prof.
Metamorphic petrology, Geochronology, Industrial raw materials, Clay mineralogy                
Tel: +902122856309 Office: C414 
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1993 
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1997 
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 2009 


Dr. Gürsel Sunal, Assoc. Prof. 

Structural Geology, Metamorphic geology, Geochronology (U-Pb, Pb-Pb, Rb-Sr), Paleotectonics                         

Tel:  Office:
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering, 1994
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering, 1998
Ph.D. Universitat Tübingen, Earth Sciences, 2008

Dr. Erkan Bozkurtoğlu, Asst.Prof.           
Engineering Geology, Rock and soil mechanics, Hydrogeology            
Tel: +902122856297 Office: C415 
B.Sc. Istanbul University, Geology 
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering 
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Engineering 

Dr. Kayhan Develi, Asst.Prof. 
3D Surface Scanning Techniques, Quantification of Discontinuity Surfaces, Characterization of Discontinuous Media, Mechanics and Hydraulics of Discontinuities, Single and Multiphase Fluid Flow through Discontinuities, Hydraulic Fracturing, Naturally Fractured Oil Reservoirs, Rock Mechanics

Tel: +902122856082 Office: A106
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. University of Istanbul, Geological Engineering
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, GSSET
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, GSSET

Dr. Gülsen Uçarkuş, Asst.Prof. 
Active Tectonics, Seismic Stratigraphy 

Tel: +902122857436 Office: E502
e-mail: ucarkus, url: ucarkus
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 1999
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geology, 2002
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University & Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Geology, 2010

Dr. Demet Kıran Yıldırım, Asst.Prof. 
Industrial Raw Minerals, Ore Geology, Genesis of Ore Deposits, Geochemistry, Environmental Studies

Tel: +902122856107 Office: C409
e-mail:, url:
B.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Eng., 2001
M.Sc. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Eng., 2004
Ph.D. Istanbul Technical University, Geological Eng., 2013

Dr. Cengiz Zabcı, Asst.Prof.
Neotectonics, Tectonic Geomorphology, Palaeoseismology, Field Geology
Tel: +902122856162 Office: E-505
B.Sc. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Jeoloji Müh., 2003
M.Sc. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Avrasya Yerbilimleri Enstitüsü, 2005
Ph.D. İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Avrasya Yerbilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013

Retired Staff

- Eng. Aynur ÖZGÜL     

- Lecturer Nursel ATEŞOK

- Eng. İsmail ERİŞ

 - Eng. Aydın Çağlar


Deceased Members

- Prof. Dr. Malik SAYAR

- Prof. Dr. İhsan KETİN 

- Prof. Dr. Galip SAĞIROĞLU

- Prof. Dr. Kemal ERGUVANLI

- Prof. Dr. Aykut BARKA  

- Eng. Orhan DUMLU

 Faculty moved to other institutes

- Prof. Dr. Engin MERİÇ (İstanbul Üniversitesi)

- Prof. Dr. İhsan SEYMEN (Selçuk Üniversitesi)

- Prof. Dr. Yüksel AYDIN (Selçuk Üniversitesi)

- Prof. Dr. Füsun ALKAYA (Selçuk Üniversitesi)

- Prof. Dr. Atilla AYDIN (Stanford Üniversitesi)

- Prof. Dr. Sabriye PİŞKİN (Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi)

- Prof. Dr. Fazlı ÇOBAN (Balıkesir Üniversitesi)

- Prof. Dr. Erdinç YİĞİTBAŞ (Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi)

- Prof. Dr. Turgut ÖZTAŞ (Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi)

- Prof. Dr. Recep Hayri EREN (Yalova Üniversitesi)

- Prof. Dr. Nevin ÇEKİRGE (Okan Üniversitesi)

- Prof. Dr. Timur USTAÖMER (İstanbul Üniversitesi)  

- Prof. Dr. Gürol SEYİTOĞLU (Ankara Üniversitesi)

- Doç.Dr. E. Vural YAVUZ (Türk-Alman Üniversitesi) 

- Dr. Naki AKÇAR (Bern Üniversitesi)

Retired Faculty

- Prof. Dr. Işık KUMBASAR 


- Prof. Dr. Cazibe SAYAR

- Prof. Dr. Fazlı Y. OKTAY

- Prof. Dr. Yılmaz BÜRKÜT

- Prof. Dr. Erdoğan ERKAN

- Prof. Dr. Erdoğan YÜZER

- Prof. Dr. Işık ÖZPEKER

- Prof. Dr. Yücel YILMAZ

- Prof. Dr. Atilla AYKOL

- Prof. Dr. Atasever GEDİKOĞLU

- Prof. Dr. Bektaş UZ 

- Prof. Dr. Mustafa ERDOĞAN

- Prof. Dr. Nevin ÇEKİRGE

- Prof. Dr. Mehmet SAKINÇ

- Prof. Dr. Naci GÖRÜR

- Prof. Dr. Mahir VARDAR

- Prof. Dr. Remzi AKKÖK

 - Prof.Dr. Ö. Işık Ece
 - Prof.Dr. M. Namık Çağatay
 - Assoc.Prof.Dr. H. Tolga Yalçın
 - Prof.Dr. Okan Tüysüz
 - Dr.Öğr.Üy. Halis Manav