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Museums  › Corridor Museum
Corridor Museum


Corridor Museum is a small scale natural history museum, where various minerals, rocks, gemstones and fossils are exhibited through corridors of the Faculty of Mines.

The museum is located at A and B corridors to have a better accessibility for students and lecturers.  There are totally 2000 samples in 57 cabinets from all around the world and Turkey. Each sample is labeled with explanations. 

The Corridor Museum is founded by a commission of the Faculty under the coordination of the former dean Prof.Dr. Naci Gorur.  Some of samples were donated by Prof.Dr. Isik Kumbasar. The commission of museum foundation is consisted of Ass.Prof.Dr. Zekiye Karacik (leader), Ass.Prof.Dr. Safak Altunkaynak, Res.Ass.Dr. Vildan Esenli, Res.Ass.Dr. Ahmet Celenli, Res.Ass.Dr. Murat Budakoglu, Res.Ass.Dr. Mustafa Kumral, Res.Ass. Orhan Yavuz, Res.Ass. Nurgul Celik, Res.Ass. Gursel Sunal, Res.Ass. Aynur Dikbas, Res.Ass. Cenk Kocak. While Fossils division were designed by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Mehmet Sakinc and Res.Ass. Cenk Yaltirak, gemstones were prepared by Prof.Dr. Sezai Kirikoglu. Hewn stone section is made by Prof.Dr. Mustafa Erdogan. Most of photos were taken by Omer Tas and Umut Destegul.